Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gateway Cup - Giro Della Montagna

Day 3 of the Gateway Cup took us to 'The Hill', St. Louis' Italian District. This was the 25th Anniversary of the Giro Della Montagna, a 4 corner rectangle shaped crit with one long gradual uphill and one long gradual downhill along the main straightaway. The beer was flowing, and the Italian salisiccia sausages were flying off the grill in the parking lot of St. Ambrose Catholic Church, which sat directly next to the Start/Finish Line. Nothing quite like racing full gas while inhaling pork flavored smoke. Mygrant and Romain had to pack up and head back to Indy after Saturday's race, leaving Yancey alone to duke it out. Unfortunately, no spectacular tales of glory, just another day of hard, fast racing. Yancey took home 66th out of 108.

Gateway Cup - Tour De Hills

'Tour de Hills' might conjure up images of hard steep hills, but round two of the Gateway Cup, held in the St. Louis Hills neighborhood, was a relatively flat, wide four corner course that wrapped around scenic Francis Park. The course itself was lined with red-brick bungalows, and I think there was a large church on nearly every corner.

Mygrant, Yancey, and Romain were once again out representing the black, red, and white of STV.

110+ CAT 3's lining up to race

Racing was aggressive as usual. With about 30 minutes left in the race, I managed to get a ball of saran wrap wrapped around one of my front spokes coming through the second turn (had to have come from the large backyard BBQ that was taking place just past the turn). Luckily, all it ended up doing was cause a loud irritating noise every time the wheel spun (which was happening a couple times a second). I'm sure it killed any aero advantage I might have previously enjoyed :-)

Romain fell victim to a last lap crash in turn three (see pic's below). According to his computer, he smashed into the curb doing 39 mph. Jason manged to escape with hardly a scrape, but his frame was cracked, and the beloved carbon Cormia wheels took a beating.
Myself and Jason practically duplicated our results form the previous night. Mygrant ended up 20th, an I was 67th.

Add ImageRomain on the front

Jason Mygrant


Romain smashing into the curb...

...Romain down! At least he is not the guy doing an upside down face plant.

Gateway Cup - Lafayette Square

St. Louis, MO is THE place to be for Labor Day Weekend bike racing here in the Midwest. This year, over 700 racers took to the starting line at the Gateway Cup, and four day criterium race series that highlights four of St. Louis' most historic neighborhoods. Friday night's action kicked under the light at Lafayette Square. Yancey, Romain, and Mygrant joined 110+ other CAT 3's to duke it out for some twilight glory.

Not to be confused with Indianapolis west side shopping mall, St. Louis Lafayette Square consists of historic Victorian homes, restaurants, and bars that surround Lafayette Park, located in the shadows of downtown St. Louis. Our race started at 7:3opm (CST), and 20 min in the course was completely dark, except for the huge spotlights erected in the four corners, soft-light street lamps on the straightaways, and the glow emitting from house parties all along the course. Despite huge fields, fast, aggressive racing (this race always seems to be the fastest race I do each year) and darkness, I only saw one wreck, which happened on turn three of the last lap. Luckily, the STV crew avoided all carnage. After an hour if intense racing, Jason Mygrant was our top finisher with a strong 18th place finish (just three spots out of the money). Romain and Yancey both finished mid-pack, in 45th and 65th ,respectively. It's not often you can finish 65th, and be considered mid-pack!

Below is a 11 min video from our race, recorded via a helmet cam worn by another racer. Romain makes appearances at the 3:40 and 9:38 mark. Video gives you a decent feel for what is what like racing in the dark.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Indy Crit

Last Saturday (8/21) was the first very Indy Crit held in downtown Indy. Hopefully this race will become a permanent fixture on the Indy racing season - highly organized, good payouts, and a great course. With a start finish on Meridian St at University park, the four four corner course took us up Meridian, left on Vermont St., left on Illinois St., left onto Market, and back onto Meridian St. via the northwest corner of Monument Circle. Nothing like racing on bricks in Indy! Jolivette was our top finisher in 7th - Yancey, Ryan, and Romain all finished in the top half of the 60 rider field. Reed also put in a strong effort, having already earned a 5th place finish in the Masters 35+ race earlier in the day.

Yancey chasing down a break early in the race

Romain approaching the first turn

Jeff Ryan leading the pack down Illinois St.

Mass Ave Crit Video

Here is a great video from Nuvo showing highlights from this year's Mass Ave Crit

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Belgium Brewing Mass Ave Criterium & Zipp Village of West Clay Criterium

Just wrapped up a great weekend of racing here in Indianapolis, with Saturday evening's New Belgium Brewing Mass Ave Criterium, followed by Sunday afternoon's Zipp Village of West Clay Crit.

The Mass Ave Crit has quickly become the premier event here in Indy, due in large part to it's location in the trendy downtown Mass Ave Arts District, and the strong support from both local companies (Nuvo, Chatterbox Tavern, Chatam Tap, Bicycle Garage Indy, Luna Records, Rathskeller, Marian University etc..) and the city of Indianapolis. Mayor Ballard was even attending, participating in numerous awards ceremonies. We have been very fortunate to have Mayor Ballard be such a big supporter of cycling initiates here in Indianapolis (addition of nearly 200 miles of bike lanes throughout the city, The Mayor's Bike Ride, and the Mayor's Bike Ride for Kids, part of the Get Fit Indy! initiative, to name a few). Mayor Ballard even hopped on a bike and did a lap of the course...very cool! Not only does the Mass Ave Crit contain all of the 'standard' USA Cycling Masters and category racing , but it also had single speed , fat tire, kids, and hand cycle racing. Plus, The New Belgium Brewing Company Beer Garden in the first turn kept the crowds amply refreshed!!

Our 3's race (which was the Indiana CAT 3 State Criterium) has 50 starters. There were a few attacks, but no one was able to really bet more than a few seconds gap on the pack - I think everyone was super motivated for a strong result, and were determined to not let anything get away. After nearly an hr of racing, the field had been cut down to 38 riders, with everyone looking for a shot of glory in the last few laps. Jason Mygrant was our top finisher in 13th place. Slattery, Jolivette (who crashed earlier in the race), and Yancey all finished within the main pack.

Sunday took us north to Carmel to the Village of West Clay. It's really a privilege for us to be able to race in this beautiful neighborhood...the residents seem to be big supporters of the race, and the venue could not be better for bike racing. Once again this race drew a large field (60+ riders), and as a team we have had previous good success in this race. Things were setting up nicely on the last lap, with Slattery sitting in the top ten and ready to pounce. Unfortunately, just as he started to make his move on the outside, he nearly ran in to a lapped rider, and was forced to settle for 15th. Yancey, Ryan, and Romain all finished in the top 30.

Next weekend takes us back downtown for the first ever Indy Crit. Looks to be a great event, so come on down, grab a bite to eat, and keep up close and personal with a little bike racing!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Bloomington Grand Prix = OUCH!

The Bloomington Grand Prix has earned quite the reputation over the years - large fields, large crowds (some there to watch cycling, others just happen to be in the area due to the course being surrounded by IU's favorite drinking establishments), and last but not least, crashes.

Nearly 70 3/4 racers took to the line Saturday evening, with a vocal, eclectic mix of spectators lining Kirkwood Ave. Racing was fast & furious, but the STV contingent fell victim to both first and last lap crashes. Aaron Yancey was taken down in the first lap of the race (was able to rejoin the race, but lost contact with the pack with 5 laps to go). Russell Reed and Jason Mygrant were both sitting pretty in the top 10, entering the last turn of the last lap. Unfortunately, both were caught in a wreck exiting the last turn - Jason manged to stay upright but lost a ton of places doing so (finished 19th), while Russ took a hard fall, hitting the pavement/curb/sidewalk bench. Jason Romain was the only STV rider to escape incident. In the end, only 29 racers finished the race. Great race with a great atmosphere...you just gotta avoid the inevitable carnage!
Publish Post

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Recent Racing Recap

Here is a quick recap of some recent racing results:

Eagle Creek 'Contemporary' Criterium - Another fine race brought to us by the fine folks at Planet Advernture Race, this brand new course was a somewhat technical circuit that snaked through Eagle Creek Park. A handful of break attempts were unsuccessful, although we did have Chris Jolivette representing us in the only real break that had the possibility of succeeding. Jason Mygrant was our only top 10 finisher (7th) in what ended in a big pack sprint. Jeff Ryan, Aaron Yancey, Mike Slattery, Jeff Ryan and Chris Jolivette all finished mid-pack. Jeff Ryan also put in another solid effort in the 4's race with a 4th place finish, and a 2nd place finish in the Masters 3/4 race (yes, that is three races in one day for Jeff!)

Eagle Creek 'Fast' Criterium - This crit get is name due to the design of the course - one big circle with no real turns. In the 3's race, two riders were able to attack, and eventually lap the field, due to a combination of strong horsepower, and teammates helping slow the main pack. With 10 min left, three more riders attacked and quickly got a small break established. Chris Jolivette and another rider bridged up, and the group of 5 was able to hold of the pack for the remainder of the race. As Chis says, his "spring lance choice totally BLEW" - he got 4th in the break, for 6th overall. Jason Mygrant raced the 1/2/3 race, and scored another result with a 4th place finish!

Ohio State Road Race - last Sunday, myself (Yancey) and Russ Reed tackled the Ohio State Road Race - 6 laps on a 13 mile course (77 miles total). Course was slightly rolling, with one technical descent, rather short but steep climb followed by a never ending false flat into the wind. It was really freakin' hot and very humid. Did I mention it was hot? Russ was able to bridge up to the winning break at the beginning of the 5th lap- with some some nice assistance from Scott Bond (Speedway Wheelmen) Russ went to the front and strung out the entire group along a slight incline leading into the feed zone, pulled off and tucked in behind Scott, who continued to keep the pace high, and then jumped to the break (I think there were 5 in the break). The break was quite close, but for some reason, as soon as Russ launched off the front and Scott let off the gas, there was no reaction whatsoever from the pack - I think it was a combination of everyone being totally redlined, and the fact that we were so close to the break, everyone just 'assumed' we'd roll up to them. Instead, the break re-established itself. Going up the climb on the next to last lap, a rider from Arizona attacked, bridged to the break, and then left the break to solo for the win. The rest of the break was about 20 sec behind, and Russ put in another impressive finish (5th place). The pack finished about 2 min later. At the end of the fifth lap I was out of fluids, and was about 3 min behind the pack (came off on the climb), and called it a day. I had good 65 mile fitness...to bad the race was 77 miles :-)

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brookside Crit - Jeff Ryan takes 1st, and 2nd!

photo courtesy of Shutterwideopen Photography

Jeff Ryan put forth a seriously impressive effort at the Brookside Criterium. In the 4/5 race, Jeff took second place, but was not quite satisfied with that result. So, immediately after the 4/5 race was over, he was on the start line for the 3/4 race, and took the win in 3/4 race! First win of the year for STV Cycling!

As for the rest of the team? Not so good. Slattery went down in a wreck on the last lap. Romain, Yancey, and Jolivette were also caught behind the wreck. Luckily, Slattery suffered only a few scrapes and bruises, but did hit the deck pretty hard. His bike survived, which is always a good thing :-)

On a side note, the Brookside Crit was the fist of five races that are being organized and promoted by Planet Adventure Race. Team member Matthew Jordan is the driving force behind these races (PA also organizes/promotes running, inline skating, and various adventure racing events), and has made the switch from bike racer to race organizer extrodinare. Thanks to all the fine folks at Plant Adventure Race for all your hard work! Great job on your first race of the season!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Calvin's Challenge - Jeff Ryan rides 235 miles in 12hrs for 2nd place!

From Jeff Ryan: As most of you know, sanity is not a strong suit of mine. Yesterday was Calvin’s Challenge in Springfield, Ohio. This is a 12 hour road race. The concept is simple, whoever goes the farthest in 12 hours wins. About 200 people registered for the race. It started fine for me even with the rain we had for the first 65 miles. The lead group kept dwindling during the first 100 miles until there were only 4 of us left. We covered the first 100 miles in 4.5 hours. Unfortunately, that is where I got a flat tire. I should have stopped to fix it, but it was a slow leak and I wasn’t really in the mood. I kept putting air in the tire every 25 miles or so and kept going. I rode the next 100 miles by myself in 5.5 hours. At 202 miles I switched over to the short loop and got to ride with people again. With the wind we had yesterday, drafting off people again was very welcomed. I got in another 33 miles before the time expired. The 235 miles gave me 2nd place overall. The flyover at 150 miles in by the 3 fighter jets from Wright-Pat made the day.

Mygrant takes 4th at Village of Winona Criterium

Jason Mygrant was the lone St. Vincent Heart Center representative up in Warsaw for the Village at Winona Road Race & Criterium, but he wasn't going to let a lack of teammates prevent a strong showing. After finishing in the pack on Saturday's road race, Jason put in a great ride in Sunday's criterium and taking 4th place ! Great result, especially with the pack at 50 riders strong.

On a side note, STV alum Andrew Kramer, who is now living in St. Louis, MO and racing with The Hub Bicycle Company. was also racing with the 3's up in Village at Winona. Drew was on the podium at the crit an impressive 3rd place finish! Too bad we don't have him with us this year!

Race Recaps - Cerland Circuit Race / Moorsville Crit

Cerland Circuit Race - Columbus, IN: An early spring favorite, this race is held on a nice 1.4 mile loop, with a nice little 'big ring' climb at the end of each lap. Race was aggressive from the get-to, with Sustainable Energy animating most of the attacks. Team did a great job in covering nearly every move, and ensuring that we had a least one rider in nearly every breakaway attempt. With about 15 min left in the race, two riders separated themselves from the pack, and started to build a nice little gap. We decided to roll the dice, and not chase after them, assuming that they would not be strong enough to stay away for the remainder of the race. Bad gamble on our part.

Jeff Ryan digging deep to catch the break

The duo's gap quickly increased and the two were gone. Russ Reed did a nice job of getting into a second breakaway group of about 5 riders, but they were ultimately reigned in by the pack. Yancey got taken down in a last lap crash, leaving Reed, Slatte ry, Mygrant, Romain, and Ryan to duke it out in the pack sprint. Mygrant was our best placing in 12th, followed by Romain in 13th .

Mooresville Criterium - my last lap wreck at Cerland left me without a usable bike for the following days action at the Moorsville Criterium, held on a rolling one mile loop in Pioneer Park. Don't have a ton of details, but the we took nearly half of the top 10 positions! Jeff Ryan 4th, Mike Slattery 5th, Jason Romain 8th, Jason Mygant 9th. Strong showing by the Men in Black!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Reed Scores Teams First 'Top 5' Placing for 2010

Russell Reed earned STV Cycling's first top 5 result for the 2010 season, taking 5th place at the Hueston Woods Road Race last Sunday, in Oxford, Ohio. Held on a rolling, 9 mile circuit through Hueston Woods State Park, Russ was part of a seven man breakaway that was initiated on the second of 7 and a half laps on the circuit (66 mile race). The break, which was reduced to 6 riders about halfway through the race, held a consistent 40sec to 1 minute gap throughout the race. The rolling, wooded, twisty course helped enable to break to remain largely unseen by the remaining pack of 50 riders. Entering the last lap the pack increased the pace, and the break just narrowly beat the charging field up the finishing climb. Aaron Yancey finished safely within the pack - any hopes of snagging strong placing in the uphill field sprint were quickly erased due to cramping. (photo courtesy of Jeffery Jakcvyk)

300 miles to the west, Jason Romain was battling it out at the Hillsboro Roubiax Road Race in Hillsboro, IL. This race has quickly become a true Midwest spring classic with large fields, rough, narrow, twisty roads, and usually lots of wind. There is even a long stretch through town along brick streets. A very tough race to start the year off with. JR put in a strong effort and represented STV Cycling well.

2010 Team Introduction

With an expanded roster and the addition of new sponsors, the 2010 St. Vincent Heart Center of Indiana Cycling Team is poised for another successful racing season in 2010! STV Cycling, an amateur Category 3 racing team based in Indianapolis, IN, will continue to focus on an extensive schedule of racing thought the state of Indiana and the greater Midwest. In addition to our high ambitions of being a dominant Midwest CAT 3 racing team, we also embrace our role as ambassadors of a heart healthy lifestyle. Obesity and tobacco use con tine to be major health threats to tens of thousands of people in the Hoosier state. As individuals who have balance bike racing in conjunction with full time jobs and family obligations, we hope to demonstrate that it is possible to adopt a healthy lifestyle despite hectic lives. Although it is not uncommon for our riders to be training in excess of 12 hrs a week, we hope to inspire others to start making changes in their lives that can lead to big results. Weather it's adopting healthier eating habits, starting a simple exercise routine of walking around the neighborhood, or making a commitment to stop smoking, making a commitment to be healthier can have a profound impact on improving ones quality of life. So get out there are get moving!


The entire core of the 2009 team will once again return in 2010, with the exception of Andrew Kramer, who moved so St. Louis, MO during the off-season. We are also thrilled to announce the addition of four new riders joining us this year - Jeff Ryan, Jason Mygrant, Russ Reed, and Eric Bales. Jeff, Jason, and Russ are well experienced racers from the Indianapolis area. Eric Bales (Lafayette, IN) will be transitioning his focus from mountain biking to road racing for the upcoming season. Unfortunately, Eric was struck by a car while out on a training rider earlier this spring, and will start the season on the sidelines and he recovers from injuries sustained in the accident.

Eric Bales
Steve Goar
Chris Jolivette
Matthew Jourdan (co-Team Manager)
Jason Mygrant
Jason Romain
Russell Reed
Jeff Ryan
Mike Slattery
Aaron Yancey (co-Team Manager)


We are thrilled to announce that for the third year in a row, the St. Vincent Heart Center of Indiana will be our title sponsor. In conjunction with St. Vincent, we will continue to help raise awareness for the ‘Go Red For Women’, a national movement founded by the American Heart Association to help women to fight back against heart disease, the No. 1 killer of American women.Additional returning sponsors/partner also include Cliff Bar, Williams Cycling, and Champion Systems.

We are also very excited to bring on two new additional sponsors - Gray Goat Sports (Indy's Bicycle, Running, and Fitness Gurus) and Leeuw, Oberlies & Campbell, P.C. A huge 'Thank You!' to all of our sponsors that help make this team a reality!

Upcoming Races

Racing is already underway, with last weeks action taking place at the Hueston Woods Road Race (Oxford, OH) and Hillsboro Roubiax (Hillsboro, IL). Russ Reed scored the teams highest placing over the weekend, with a 5th place finish at Hueston Woods. Russ was part of a six rider breakaway the escaped from the field and managed to just barely hold off the pack after 66 miles of tough racing. The team plans to to be racing at the Ceraland Circuit Race (Columbus, IN) on Saturday, and the Mooresville Criterium on Sunday.