Friday, August 27, 2010

Indy Crit

Last Saturday (8/21) was the first very Indy Crit held in downtown Indy. Hopefully this race will become a permanent fixture on the Indy racing season - highly organized, good payouts, and a great course. With a start finish on Meridian St at University park, the four four corner course took us up Meridian, left on Vermont St., left on Illinois St., left onto Market, and back onto Meridian St. via the northwest corner of Monument Circle. Nothing like racing on bricks in Indy! Jolivette was our top finisher in 7th - Yancey, Ryan, and Romain all finished in the top half of the 60 rider field. Reed also put in a strong effort, having already earned a 5th place finish in the Masters 35+ race earlier in the day.

Yancey chasing down a break early in the race

Romain approaching the first turn

Jeff Ryan leading the pack down Illinois St.

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