Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Recent Racing Recap

Here is a quick recap of some recent racing results:

Eagle Creek 'Contemporary' Criterium - Another fine race brought to us by the fine folks at Planet Advernture Race, this brand new course was a somewhat technical circuit that snaked through Eagle Creek Park. A handful of break attempts were unsuccessful, although we did have Chris Jolivette representing us in the only real break that had the possibility of succeeding. Jason Mygrant was our only top 10 finisher (7th) in what ended in a big pack sprint. Jeff Ryan, Aaron Yancey, Mike Slattery, Jeff Ryan and Chris Jolivette all finished mid-pack. Jeff Ryan also put in another solid effort in the 4's race with a 4th place finish, and a 2nd place finish in the Masters 3/4 race (yes, that is three races in one day for Jeff!)

Eagle Creek 'Fast' Criterium - This crit get is name due to the design of the course - one big circle with no real turns. In the 3's race, two riders were able to attack, and eventually lap the field, due to a combination of strong horsepower, and teammates helping slow the main pack. With 10 min left, three more riders attacked and quickly got a small break established. Chris Jolivette and another rider bridged up, and the group of 5 was able to hold of the pack for the remainder of the race. As Chis says, his "spring lance choice totally BLEW" - he got 4th in the break, for 6th overall. Jason Mygrant raced the 1/2/3 race, and scored another result with a 4th place finish!

Ohio State Road Race - last Sunday, myself (Yancey) and Russ Reed tackled the Ohio State Road Race - 6 laps on a 13 mile course (77 miles total). Course was slightly rolling, with one technical descent, rather short but steep climb followed by a never ending false flat into the wind. It was really freakin' hot and very humid. Did I mention it was hot? Russ was able to bridge up to the winning break at the beginning of the 5th lap- with some some nice assistance from Scott Bond (Speedway Wheelmen) Russ went to the front and strung out the entire group along a slight incline leading into the feed zone, pulled off and tucked in behind Scott, who continued to keep the pace high, and then jumped to the break (I think there were 5 in the break). The break was quite close, but for some reason, as soon as Russ launched off the front and Scott let off the gas, there was no reaction whatsoever from the pack - I think it was a combination of everyone being totally redlined, and the fact that we were so close to the break, everyone just 'assumed' we'd roll up to them. Instead, the break re-established itself. Going up the climb on the next to last lap, a rider from Arizona attacked, bridged to the break, and then left the break to solo for the win. The rest of the break was about 20 sec behind, and Russ put in another impressive finish (5th place). The pack finished about 2 min later. At the end of the fifth lap I was out of fluids, and was about 3 min behind the pack (came off on the climb), and called it a day. I had good 65 mile fitness...to bad the race was 77 miles :-)

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