Thursday, May 20, 2010

Brookside Crit - Jeff Ryan takes 1st, and 2nd!

photo courtesy of Shutterwideopen Photography

Jeff Ryan put forth a seriously impressive effort at the Brookside Criterium. In the 4/5 race, Jeff took second place, but was not quite satisfied with that result. So, immediately after the 4/5 race was over, he was on the start line for the 3/4 race, and took the win in 3/4 race! First win of the year for STV Cycling!

As for the rest of the team? Not so good. Slattery went down in a wreck on the last lap. Romain, Yancey, and Jolivette were also caught behind the wreck. Luckily, Slattery suffered only a few scrapes and bruises, but did hit the deck pretty hard. His bike survived, which is always a good thing :-)

On a side note, the Brookside Crit was the fist of five races that are being organized and promoted by Planet Adventure Race. Team member Matthew Jordan is the driving force behind these races (PA also organizes/promotes running, inline skating, and various adventure racing events), and has made the switch from bike racer to race organizer extrodinare. Thanks to all the fine folks at Plant Adventure Race for all your hard work! Great job on your first race of the season!

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