Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gateway Cup - Giro Della Montagna

Day 3 of the Gateway Cup took us to 'The Hill', St. Louis' Italian District. This was the 25th Anniversary of the Giro Della Montagna, a 4 corner rectangle shaped crit with one long gradual uphill and one long gradual downhill along the main straightaway. The beer was flowing, and the Italian salisiccia sausages were flying off the grill in the parking lot of St. Ambrose Catholic Church, which sat directly next to the Start/Finish Line. Nothing quite like racing full gas while inhaling pork flavored smoke. Mygrant and Romain had to pack up and head back to Indy after Saturday's race, leaving Yancey alone to duke it out. Unfortunately, no spectacular tales of glory, just another day of hard, fast racing. Yancey took home 66th out of 108.

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