Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Zipp West Clay Classic

On Sunday, we had the pleasure of racing through the streets of the Village of West Clay, Indiana's first Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND), located in Carmel, IN (northern suburb of Indianapolis). This was one of our faster races of the year (had an average speed just shy of 26 mph), and everyone was in an aggressive mood, with attacks being launched on nearly every lap. There were two separate breaks that appeared to have potential to be successfully, and we were able to put a rider into each one (Jolivette in the first, Slattery in the second). The second break looked especially promising, but some very questionable racing tactics by the Sustainable Energy team brought the break back (they chased it down, even though they had a rider in the break). The race ended with a big drag race down the finishing straight, and Slattery took home top team honors with an 8th place finish. Jolivette just missed out on a top 10 (11th), with Yancey and Romain finishing mid-pack.



Slattery powering the late break

Yancey on the front
Warning: racing with your eyes closed is not recommended :-)

In my opinion, this one of the best venues we get to race in here in Indiana - interesting course, smooth roads, safe venue. Special thanks to Zipp Speed Weaponry , all the great volunteers, and the gracious citizens of the Village of West Clay who all make this race possible!!

1 comment:

jkelly said...

This is a great blog-nice pics and race reports! I have also enjoyed watching your team grow this season. I am a local cat 1 racer that has been toning down my racig the last couple of years dud to family committments, but still get some good local results...I would like to talk to you guys about possibly collaborating/joining forces for the 2010 season. I have support from a local shop, and the owner has expressed an interest in helping to support a small local team. Please contact me at to talk about the possibility!
I hope to hear from you soon!


John Kelly