Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bloomington Critermium & Zionsville Grand Prix

Bloomington Crit (Indiana State Criterium) - looking back to last month at the Indiana State Road Race, we had ridden a good, smart race for 61 miles. The problem? The race was 63 miles. In the last two miles, Reed (sitting top 5) flatted, and Yancey and Jolivette (top 15) were suffering from extreme cramping. In the end, the best we could muster was a 26th. Well, things did not turn out much better at the state crit. Held along the frequently visited bars are restaurants on Kirkwood Ave, this crit is fairly technical L-shaped course. The last four corners are tight, and are often the location of end-of-the-race carnage (i.e, crashes). Heck, a few yrs ago, in an attempt to miss a wreck in the last lap, I nearly took out an entire wedding party getting their pictures taken at the church in the last turn! Romain and Slattery were both gunning for a great finish going into the last lap, only to have Romain, sitting in the top 5, hit the pavement, and Slattery getting caught up in the pile of spandex, carbon, skin, and asphalt. It was not to be.

Zionsville Grand Prix - Ironic that the Brickyard 400 was taking place on the same day as the Zionsiville Grand Prix, a classic 4-corner crit course with the start/finish straightaway held along the brick-paved Main Street. Kramer and Yancey, not know for their sprinting abilities, spent most of the race trying to help establish a break. With 10 laps to go, three guys got a quick gap coming out of the last turn. Yancey spend two laps at the front trying to bridge, but instead pulled the pack up to the group of 3, setting things up for a sprint finish (not to our liking). Both finished mid-pack.

Some pictures from both Bloomington & Zionsville, for your viewing pleasure.

Romain leading the pack in Bloomington (Kneewarmers in July?!? Yea, it was kinda chilly.)

Slattery dropping the hammer!

Kramer - coming right at ya!

Yancey in Zionsville

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