Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Indy Stage Race - First Win of the Year!

Slattery giving the 'one-armed victory salute' after winning the Ft. Ben Stage Park Road Race on Sunday!

The big news from last weekend was Mike Slattery taking the win at the Ft. Ben RR on a hot Sunday afternoon. With about 20 min left in the race, Mike help ignite the winning break of 5 riders, and out-sprinted his breakaway companions to take the 'W.' But first, lets take a look at the first stage of the Indy Stage Race - Saturday morning's Eagle Creek Fast Crit.

As the name of this crit applies, it a very fast race - a dead flat course that has no turns, just one big circle. This race traditionally ends in a big pack sprint, but Romain gave it a good effort in a break with two other riders - the three of them were able to get a gap on the pack, and hold it for about 5 laps. The break had the horsepower to stay away, and probably would have if it had included one rider from Sustainable Energy. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and the SE were forced to do the dirty work - go to the front of the pack and ride like hell to pull the break back (which they did). Following the norm, the race ended in a wild pack sprint. Kramer had our top placing at 11th.

Romain in the break.

CJ looking fast on his new ride.

Kramer leading the pack

Saturday afternoon was the Eagle Creek Time Trial (Stage 2). Romain earned a podium spot with a strong 3rd place finish

Romain and Kramer at the TT

That brings us to Sunday's Ft. Ben Road Race. We had an excellent showing of teamwork and intelligent racing on Sunday - there were a number of small breaks throughout the race, and we had a rider in every one of them. Having a rider in a break takes all the pressure off the rest of the team, and forces those teams who do not have riders in the break to either try and pull the break back, or try and send someone up the road to bridge up to the break (at which point we would also send a rider, who would do nothing but sit on the other guy's wheel - if he ends up bridging the gap, we'll have a second rider in the break, who essentially got a 'free ride' up the break). With about 20 min left in the race, Slattery launched a perfectly timed counter attack (right when the pack caught a small break). Four other riders quickly responded, and the five were off. Slattery attacked on the final downhill (a twisty, technical section that rides like a roller coaster) and held on for the victory!

Yancey leading at the crest of the hill

Kramer and Romain leading the pack.

Slattery nearing the finish line, with 'eyes on the prize!'

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