Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Zipp West Clay Classic

On Sunday, we had the pleasure of racing through the streets of the Village of West Clay, Indiana's first Traditional Neighborhood Development (TND), located in Carmel, IN (northern suburb of Indianapolis). This was one of our faster races of the year (had an average speed just shy of 26 mph), and everyone was in an aggressive mood, with attacks being launched on nearly every lap. There were two separate breaks that appeared to have potential to be successfully, and we were able to put a rider into each one (Jolivette in the first, Slattery in the second). The second break looked especially promising, but some very questionable racing tactics by the Sustainable Energy team brought the break back (they chased it down, even though they had a rider in the break). The race ended with a big drag race down the finishing straight, and Slattery took home top team honors with an 8th place finish. Jolivette just missed out on a top 10 (11th), with Yancey and Romain finishing mid-pack.



Slattery powering the late break

Yancey on the front
Warning: racing with your eyes closed is not recommended :-)

In my opinion, this one of the best venues we get to race in here in Indiana - interesting course, smooth roads, safe venue. Special thanks to Zipp Speed Weaponry , all the great volunteers, and the gracious citizens of the Village of West Clay who all make this race possible!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Nuvo Mass Ave Criterium

Last year we had some great success at the Nuvo Mass Ave Criterium, with Chris Jolivette taking home the win in a bunch sprint. With Slattery coming of a win in last week's Ft. Ben Road Race, we had high hopes of taking home another victory for the second week in a row. After about an hr of racing, things came down to a pack sprint. CJ was once again in great position, sitting just outside the top 5 entering into the last turn. And then, this happened...

Ouch. Luckily, Chris walked away with nothing but a few cuts and scrapes. To no fault of his own, he fell victim to a 4 man pile-up, eliminating his chances for a repeat victory. The rest of the team finished safely in the pack.

Yancey hitting it hard on front stretch.

We would like to say a big thank you to race promoter Kevin Kinney for all the work him and his staff of volunteers did to make this race a success. Also thanks to Nuvo, Bicycle Garage Indy, New Belgium Brewing Company, and all other other sponsors that helped make this possible. Indianapolis has lacked a high-profile race for a number of years, and this race has a strong possibility to fill that void. I see a potential twilight criterium in the future!

Both pictures taken from the flicker page of |J|

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Indy Stage Race - First Win of the Year!

Slattery giving the 'one-armed victory salute' after winning the Ft. Ben Stage Park Road Race on Sunday!

The big news from last weekend was Mike Slattery taking the win at the Ft. Ben RR on a hot Sunday afternoon. With about 20 min left in the race, Mike help ignite the winning break of 5 riders, and out-sprinted his breakaway companions to take the 'W.' But first, lets take a look at the first stage of the Indy Stage Race - Saturday morning's Eagle Creek Fast Crit.

As the name of this crit applies, it a very fast race - a dead flat course that has no turns, just one big circle. This race traditionally ends in a big pack sprint, but Romain gave it a good effort in a break with two other riders - the three of them were able to get a gap on the pack, and hold it for about 5 laps. The break had the horsepower to stay away, and probably would have if it had included one rider from Sustainable Energy. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and the SE were forced to do the dirty work - go to the front of the pack and ride like hell to pull the break back (which they did). Following the norm, the race ended in a wild pack sprint. Kramer had our top placing at 11th.

Romain in the break.

CJ looking fast on his new ride.

Kramer leading the pack

Saturday afternoon was the Eagle Creek Time Trial (Stage 2). Romain earned a podium spot with a strong 3rd place finish

Romain and Kramer at the TT

That brings us to Sunday's Ft. Ben Road Race. We had an excellent showing of teamwork and intelligent racing on Sunday - there were a number of small breaks throughout the race, and we had a rider in every one of them. Having a rider in a break takes all the pressure off the rest of the team, and forces those teams who do not have riders in the break to either try and pull the break back, or try and send someone up the road to bridge up to the break (at which point we would also send a rider, who would do nothing but sit on the other guy's wheel - if he ends up bridging the gap, we'll have a second rider in the break, who essentially got a 'free ride' up the break). With about 20 min left in the race, Slattery launched a perfectly timed counter attack (right when the pack caught a small break). Four other riders quickly responded, and the five were off. Slattery attacked on the final downhill (a twisty, technical section that rides like a roller coaster) and held on for the victory!

Yancey leading at the crest of the hill

Kramer and Romain leading the pack.

Slattery nearing the finish line, with 'eyes on the prize!'

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Bloomington Critermium & Zionsville Grand Prix

Bloomington Crit (Indiana State Criterium) - looking back to last month at the Indiana State Road Race, we had ridden a good, smart race for 61 miles. The problem? The race was 63 miles. In the last two miles, Reed (sitting top 5) flatted, and Yancey and Jolivette (top 15) were suffering from extreme cramping. In the end, the best we could muster was a 26th. Well, things did not turn out much better at the state crit. Held along the frequently visited bars are restaurants on Kirkwood Ave, this crit is fairly technical L-shaped course. The last four corners are tight, and are often the location of end-of-the-race carnage (i.e, crashes). Heck, a few yrs ago, in an attempt to miss a wreck in the last lap, I nearly took out an entire wedding party getting their pictures taken at the church in the last turn! Romain and Slattery were both gunning for a great finish going into the last lap, only to have Romain, sitting in the top 5, hit the pavement, and Slattery getting caught up in the pile of spandex, carbon, skin, and asphalt. It was not to be.

Zionsville Grand Prix - Ironic that the Brickyard 400 was taking place on the same day as the Zionsiville Grand Prix, a classic 4-corner crit course with the start/finish straightaway held along the brick-paved Main Street. Kramer and Yancey, not know for their sprinting abilities, spent most of the race trying to help establish a break. With 10 laps to go, three guys got a quick gap coming out of the last turn. Yancey spend two laps at the front trying to bridge, but instead pulled the pack up to the group of 3, setting things up for a sprint finish (not to our liking). Both finished mid-pack.

Some pictures from both Bloomington & Zionsville, for your viewing pleasure.

Romain leading the pack in Bloomington (Kneewarmers in July?!? Yea, it was kinda chilly.)

Slattery dropping the hammer!

Kramer - coming right at ya!

Yancey in Zionsville