Saturday, September 3, 2011

Mass Ave Crit (Indiana State Crit Championship)

Great downtown atmosphere, midwest summer heat & humidity, tough racing - that pretty much sums up this year's New Belgium Brewing Mass Ave Criterium.

We had somewhere between 40-50 starters in the CAT 3, with Yancey, Mygrant, and Ryan representing Blue Ridge Design (Jolivette was hard @ work as a race volunteer). 45 minutes into the 60 min race, the pack completely shattered - the constant accelerations coming out of the >90 degree turns that this triangle-shaped course is famous for was taking it's toll on the field. With about 10 minutes to go, the lead pack had been whittled down to about 17 riders.

Yancey exiting turn 2 (photo by Scott Brooks)

Jeff Ryan in turn 1

With 1.5 laps to go, Yancey lost contact with the pack, got passed by three riders right before the finish, and ended up in 20th. Mygrant was 25th, followed by Ryan in 26th.

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