Tuesday, August 2, 2011

HMBA Century

No racing this weekend, so instead Yancey, Jolivette, Reed, Ryan, and team sponsor John Meade (Leeuw Oberlies & Campbell, P.C) supplemented with a hilly 100+ mile ride through south central Indiana, thanks to the fine folks at the Hoosier Mountain Bike Association. The HMBA have been putting on this grueling late summer century for the past couple of years, slightly tweaking the course each year to help keep things interesting. This year we hit nearly all the infamous climbs of the region, including Bear Wallow, Greasy Creek, Owl Creek, and the nastiest of them all, Boltinghouse Rd. We also rode the 'roller coaster like ride' around Lake Sweetwater, and the rollers along the southern edge of Lake Lemon. Being a road century put on by mountain bikers, the organizers couldn't resist putting in one hard packed gravel road climb, up S. Haasetown Rd. We hit a majority of the hard climbs in the first 50 miles, had a quick stop at Revolution Bike & Bean in Bloomington for some fluids and grub, and headed back north for the final 57 miles back to our starting point in Franklin. Big thanks to HMBA on a fantastic job of designing/marking the course, providing 7 SAGs - all free of charge :-).

Map of first half of the ride http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/42770636 & second half of the ride http://www.mapmyride.com/routes/view/42768018

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