Friday, June 17, 2011

Tri West Ominum Wrap-Up

Chris Jolivette got the team off to a solid start with a 5th place finish at Friday night's Hummel Park Criterium in Plainfield. Jason Romain, Jeff Ryan, and Jason Mygrant all finished with the pack.

Jeff is all smiles before the race

The peloton looks so small up against the tall trees of Hummel Park

Saturday's race took us to the 'traditional' course at Eagle Creek Park - a flat, wide 'D' shaped course, with a nice little rise up to the finish. Mygrant was our top finisher at 10th place, with Romain not far behind in 14th. Jeff Ryan & Chris Jolivette finished in the pack. The big news of the day was the amount of skin Slattery donated to the pavement - both him and Jolivette got caught in a nasty wreck. Both got pretty banged up, but does not appear to be anything to serious.

Sunday's race was also at Eagle Creek Park, on the 'contemporary' course. This was the second year on this new course, which was designed by Planet Adventure Race, with some assistance from park management. With Slattery and Jolivette out of commission due to the prior days wreck, Yancey missing the weekends festivities due to the birth of his new baby girl, and Pillar also out all weekend due to work obligations, only Mygrant, Ryan, and Romain were left to duke it out on day 3. All three riders finished in the pack.

Slattery proudly showing of his brand new road rash.

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