Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Eagle Creek Traditional Crit

Unfortunately, not a lot of good news to report from last weekends Eagle Creek Traditional Crit, so I'll keep things short and sweet. A group of 8 riders escaped off the front about 25 min or so into the race - we had no representation in the break, and waited way to long before trying to chase it down. There were a number of very strong riders in the break, and working well together, they established a quick gap which they held for the remaining 45 min of the race. No excuse for us to not have had a least one rider in the break....definitely not our day to shine.

Props to Slattery for riding strong in the 1/2/3 race later in the afternoon - we just got to teach him that he doesn't need to always lead out the final sprint :-) Drew and Yancey also did double duty, but didn't quite have the legs to finish out the second race.

This weekend we'll be heading down south for some crit racing in Lousville, KY. That is assuming that it eventually will stop raining. If not, we'll have to resort to racing paddleboats down the White River Canal. Geez...

A few pic's from Eagle Creek for your viewing pleasure:

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